How Old is Naelee?


Naelee and her Baby

Grandma bought this baby for Naelee before Christmas. I think this is such a sweet picture, because she looks like her baby.

Naelee's Santa Hat

Naelee was swinging and her Santa hat had fallen down on her eyes. I heard her laughing and when I walked in to see her, this is what she looked like. I had to grab the camera.

Naelee in one of Her Christmas Outfits

Naelee looks so cute in her Santa hat. She also loves pushing buttons on the computer now.

Papaw Visits Naelee

Papaw came to Lexington on December 6th. The weather was nasty in Lexington, but Grandma and Papaw wanted to see Naelee. Naelee was cutting her first tooth on the same day.

Naelee is in the Wipes

When we took the Coke away, Naelee found the wipes. She notices everything on the table and wants to put it in her mouth.

Naelee is Switching to Coca-Cola

We ordered pizza one night and had our Coke on the table. Naelee decided to grab the Coke and put it to her mouth. She also knocked the Coke over on Daddy.

Super Nae in her Pajamas

Naelee had her bath, in her pajamas, and she just needed a bottle to complete the nightly routine.

Naelee Playing with her Toys

Nana Nana and Naelee

Nana Nana came over to visit while we were in Corbin. Nana Nana keep tickling Naelee's neck. She laughed and laughed! She also took turns growling at Nana that night. I have not heard her growl since, but it was really cute that night.

Naelee Likes Her Diaper Bag

Naelee wanted to play with her diaper bag. I think she likes all of the colors!

Naelee Playing with Shera's Beads

Naelee has started noticing bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and eye glasses. She pulled on Shera's beads and Aunt Shera decided to share them with her. They went straight to the mouth!


Naelee Looking Outside

Naelee likes looking out the window at our house and so does Dyna.

Naelee Sits Up For the First Time!!!

Naelee sat up for the first time on November 30th. She loves the remote control, so that provided some distraction.

Meredith, Anita, and Naelee

Naelee got lots of attention with family. She loved every minute of it! She was such a happy baby at the funeral and at the church. We are blessed with a happy baby!

Naelee Checking Out Her Cousins

Naelee was checking out her cousins that were born a week before she was, Levi and Lucas.

Cole and Naelee

Cole played peek a boo with Naelee. She thought he was funny! He wanted to take her home, so he could have a baby at his house. It was precious!