How Old is Naelee?


Naelee's First Wedding--Stick and D's Wedding

Naelee went to Stick and D's wedding last night. The wedding was at Talon Winery and was beautiful! She slept through the whole thing until Julie held her and woke her up. She had a major blow out on Julie, so we had to cut the night a little short. Sorry Julie! It felt great for Erik and I to get out with Naelee. We can now take Naelee out since she is two weeks old. Yes, hard to believe she is already two weeks! Time is flying by and we are having a blast being parents!

1 comment:

ms julie said...

I believe the reason she woke up was the uncontrollable urge to have to poop! :) Naelee was quite a trooper all night as she was passed around like a lil football! :) I think your table was the second most popular that night! :)