How Old is Naelee?


Naelee with the Fly Swatter

Naelee loved the fly swatter at Momo and Poppy's. She got new toys for Christmas, but she picked a fly swatter, paper, and box to play with instead. This was highly entertaining.

Momo and Poppy on Christmas

Naelee liked looking at the picture of herself that she gave to Poppy. We were so thankful that Momo was here to celebrate Christmas after everything she had been through.

Naelee opening presents

Naelee got her own pink laptop from her Uncie and Aunt. She got Mega Blocks, books, a movie, a barn, and Magna Doodle. She is one blessed girl!

Naelee in Corbin

Naelee was very hot at Momo and Poppy's, so she picked the Dora gown to wear.

Going to Corbin for Christmas

We went to Corbin on Christmas Eve and the entire family went to church together. It was a special time for our family, because we had a lot to reflect on from the year and a whole lot to be thankful was an emotional time. Naelee just enjoyed running and walking at the end of the service. She had enough of sitting.