How Old is Naelee?


We are waiting for Naelee's arrival

Today is supposed to be the day.  Erik and I were to be at Central Baptist at 8:00 and as we were getting ready to walk out the door the phone rang and it was Central Baptist telling us they were full and we would need to wait till 10:00.  When we called back they told us there were four people ahead of us and they would call us when it was time.  We have addressed thank you cards and now we are sitting on the couch and Erik is watching baseball.  We will update the blog when Naelee arrives!!  Wish all of us luck and pray for a safe and healthy baby and delivery!


ms julie said...

your arrival is being awaited by many people who already love you so much! try your best to keep yourself and mommy safe , and GET HERE ALREADY! :)
"aunt" julie :)

Anonymous said...

Wow you can see her little face! :)
Our thoughts and prayers will be with you as you embark on this new adventure in your lives.

Jenny and Jaime Ross