How Old is Naelee?


Update on Naelee

Finally I am getting to update the blog with pictures of Naelee. My camera tore up and I have not been able to take pictures of Naelee. My Mom tells me I broke the camera from taking too many pictures of Naelee. Sam's Club exchanged my camera and I have a new one!!!! Back to blogging and taking pictures of Naelee. Naelee is doing wonderful. She is really looking around a lot more and focusing on you when you talk to her. She can see 2-3 feet and she loves looking at lights. I got to take her outside yesterday by the pool, but the water is too cold to put her in it. I can't wait to put her bikini on and put her in the water. She loves a bath, so I know she will like the pool. Jiffy, Naelee, and I went to Katie's house today to get Daddy some cupcakes for our anniversary. Can you believe that tomorrow Erik and I will be married for 5 years and Naelee will be 1 month. Time flies by when you are having fun. Enjoy the pictures and I will be updating more now that I have a camera.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Tasha, She is still so beautiful. I can't beleive it's been a month already. Hope to see you both soon. Kate