How Old is Naelee?


Naelee's 4-Month Check-up

Naelee went to the doctor on Monday. This is Dr. Mack, her wonderful pediatrician! He spent a lot of time with Erik and I to talk about her reflux. We now have a different medication and we are trying Similiac Sensitive RS. He wanted to try Nutramigen, but Naelee did not like it, so as of tonight, we are trying Similiac and so far so good! Naelee weighs 13.9 pounds, 25 and a half for height. She is long and lean.


Kelly said...

Glad to hear that Naelee is doing well. She doesn't look as chunky as Jenna...but Jenna just weighed a few ounces more! I see that she has been having a big problem with reflux. Does it seem to bother her?

All 4 My Gals said...

Long, lean and lovely!!!